(p. 27)
Liberty is a feminine deity, a goddess, and as such must be held in check by masculine strength.
People are confusing the national character or personality of the United States (e.g. Liberty personified/deified) with that of the people of the United States. A kind of meronymy or metonomy? Ordinarily, Liberty says “I accept all people, so long as they hold high my creed and put themselves below it”. Thus, the people of the US are to be united in that they hold the creed of liberty higher than themselves. In other words, Liberty accepts all conditionally.
But now, these values have shifted from the personality of Liberty to the collective personality of the people of the United States. The people are now the ones who say they accept all. And as for the conditional aspect of that acceptance, no man is God, or God doesn’t exist, or the universe is essentially nihilistic, deconstructive, or postmodern, hence who are we to set conditions?
Two conditions thus have to be met – one, the great democratic experiment must be in place. That is to say, we serve Liberty as goddess (idea – they say feminism is a ‘shit test’, perhaps liberty is a shit test too – consider that liberty personified is a female, Marianne in France. Thus liberty works if held in check my masculine strength, which assures that the overactive tendencies of liberty are put in check. Namely, that rights afforded are protective (masculine) instead of nurturing (feminine)). Second, a particularly dark nihilism must be set forth as a cancer among the people. I named this nihilism above: post-modernism, communism (eternal class warfare struggle), etc.